Oil Imported from the Middle East, 2001


  Amount, 1000 bbls/day  % of Middle East   Amount, 1000 bbls/day  % of Consumption 
USA 2775 14.5% 19633 14.1%
Canada 145 0.8% 1929 7.5%
Sou.&Cent. America 260 1.4% 4693 5.5%
Europe 3548 18.6% 16093 22.0%
Africa 831 4.4% 2490 33.4%
China 689 3.6% 5041 13.7%
Japan 4211 22.0% 5427 77.6%
Other Asian Pacific 6588 34.5% 10448 63.1%
Total, Excl Former USSR 19098 100.0% 71884 26.6%
Source: British Petroleum